May 1998 ISSUE


New Technology for Automotive Trim

Automotive trim is plated using a different method...
#vacuum-vapor #automotive


Liquid Coating

Color Quality of Automotive Finishes Goes High Tech

New technology has allowed finishers to develop color standards for even the most challenging colors...

Powder Coating

Environmental Technology Verification Program

In 1995, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) started the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) program to verify the environmental performance of commercially available technologies through the evaluation of objective and quality-assured data.

Fasteners and Finishes - Part III

The corrosion requirements of fasteners are often set without knowing the actual performance characteristics of the coating selected.

Finishing Experiences in Latin America

Most companies lack the basics of plating, finishing and pollution prevention...


New Technology for Automotive Trim

Automotive trim is plated using a different method...


Zinc Plater Finds New Market

Switching to an alkaline non-cyanide zinc bath helped Elk Grove increase throughput and reduce plating times...
