Polymers and Coatings Introductory Short Course

Coatings Science is a diverse field in which important principles are derived from a wide range of disciplines such as Chemistry, Physics, Polymer Science, Material Science, Colloid and Interfacial Science, Color and Appearance, and Rheology. To be effective in this field, knowledge of the fundamentals as well as an understanding of the application principles are essential. Effective teaching and training approaches must include reinforcement of principles with real world examples. Cal Poly's winter short course on polymers and coatings brings together a mix of academic and industrial experts in the field to guarantee both these aspects are addressed. The one-week course will cover many aspects of coating technology with emphasis on liquid coatings. Other coatings technologies (e.g., powder coatings) will be discussed in order to compare and contrast with traditional liquid coatings. In addition, participants will benefit from discussions of VOC and air quality aspects of coatings by experts in both industry and government regulatory agencies. Participants are expected to have had some exposures to the coatings field along with working knowledge in chemistry and other sciences. Short courses are conducted twice per calender year, once in the summer and once in the winter. 

Learn more: http://www.polymerscoatings.calpoly.edu/short%20courses.htm

San Luis Obispo, CA