Matthew Kirchner

Matthew Kirchner Columnist


Are You Leaving Money on the Table?

By: Matthew Kirchner

The beauty many of the additional revenue opportunities above is that often there may be no incremental cost to the finisher.

Parts Cleaning

The “Skills Gap” is Your Fault!

By: Matthew Kirchner

The disinterest of tomorrow’s workforce is your problem, too.

Parts Cleaning

Does Money Trump Freedom? A Philosophy of Business and Life

By: Matthew Kirchner

What is holding you captive, and how can you change it?


That Which Can Go Wrong, Will Go Wrong

By: Matthew Kirchner

The importance of harboring an effective maintenance program.

Three Keys to a Winning Culture

By: Matthew Kirchner

Creating a thriving, positive work environment may not be as complicated as you think.

The 13 Unlucky Signs Your Customer is Looking Elsewhere

By: Matthew Kirchner

Knowing what signs to watch out for could help you save a customer’s business, and improve your relationship in the process.

There are No Such Thing as Weaknesses, Only Weak Leaders

By: Matthew Kirchner

Determining the difference between a weakness and a personality trait.

Wrestling with Double Standards

By: Matthew Kirchner

Figure out what motivates your team members, then lead them accordingly.

Creative Recruiting

By: Matthew Kirchner

Reaching beyond online job boards to find your next great hire.
#surfin #management

Fortunately, Unfortunately

By: Matthew Kirchner

Like the classic storytelling game, running a finishing operation has its ups and downs.

The Folly of the Working Supervisor

By: Matthew Kirchner

First basemen, leadership and why a dedicated manager is worth the investment.

Another Month, Another “Important, Not Urgent” Issue

By: Matthew Kirchner

Tackling one important issue a month can keep non-urgent tasks up to date.