
Coating Untreated Aluminum

Question: We are powder coating two-inch long aluminum tubes and only pre-treat is a simple part wash-vibratory debur.



We are powder coating two-inch long aluminum tubes and only pre-treat is a simple part wash-vibratory debur. We are not having any adhesion issues so far. Powder is cured in an IR oven. Parts have passed the 100 hr. salt spray test required. We check paint daily with MEK swipes, crosshatch, pencil hardness, and impact tests. Are we missing something here? Our powder coat consultant didn’t think painting untreated aluminum like this would work but seems to be. S. P.


It is time to find a new consultant. I know the name of a very good one…ME! Just kidding.

If your product meets both yours and your customer's expectations and requirements, then you are doing a good job. Don’t let anyone tell you different. There are always ways to improve your product’s finish. But making changes for no reason, or because your methods don’t meet someone’s idea of what is correct is silly.