
Powder Coating of Adhesives?

Question: We have recently converted from wet paint to powder coating and we use a two-part epoxy adhesive on some aluminum frames.



We have recently converted from wet paint to powder coating and we use a two-part epoxy adhesive on some aluminum frames. Is there some adhesive available that can be powder coated? Thanks in advance for any information to help us with this problem. L. H.


I really don’t know what adhesives can be powder coated. Let’s ask our readers if they have any suggestions. OK folks, here’s what we need: an adhesive that is temperature tolerant up to 350ºF, is a stable material that won’t out-gas under the powder coating during curing and is conductive to allow for powder attraction.

Until we get some answers, I’ll expect that you will probably assemble the aluminum frames after the individual parts have been powder coated. That way all you have to worry about is the adhesion properties of the powder coating to the aluminum as your next problem.