
Making Wrinkle Finishes Wrinkle

Question: Getting a good wrinkle finish is just about as easy as painting with any aerosol type finish.



Getting a good wrinkle finish is just about as easy as painting with any aerosol type finish. It is important that certain rules be observed.

The surface must be clean and dry. Clean means no oil, grease or fingerprints. Be sure that the temperature of the paint can and the surface to be painted is between 70-90F. Spray with even strokes at a distance of 8-12 inches. Apply a fairly heavy coat. Spray a second coat approximately 3 min after the first, also fairly heavy. The wrinkling will appear gradually, requiring about 12 hr at room temperature to completely develop. Experience seems to indicate that a better finish is developed when sprayed onto bare metal.

When the temperature of the can is appropriate, shake it for at least 1 min, and shake it occasionally during use. R.G.


Thank you for the information R.G. In the old days, wrinkle finishes were used as coatings for equipment cabinets. They were achieved using paints containing resins that were incompatible as far as their drying properties. Examples would be a resin containing tung oil and alkyd or a resin containing tung oil and linseed oil. The resin constituents would dry at different rates causing wrinkling of the paint film. Wrinkle finishes are not used very often today because they are hard to clean. Spatter finishes took their place for finishing equipment cabinets.