
Powder Coating PVC Pipe?

Question: We are in the process of installing a powder coating line to perform work for two of our long-term plating customers.



We are in the process of installing a powder coating line to perform work for two of our long-term plating customers. One of these customers has 20% of their product made from PVC pipe, which is painted using liquid paint. Can I powder coat this pipe? Can a different plastic pipe be used that can be powder coated? H. D.


No, PVC pipe cannot handle the cure temperature required for any powder coating. Even UV powders require at least 220ºF to melt the powder onto the substrate. CPVC pipe has been formulated to be temperature resistant, but it can tolerate only 1800 F­—far short of what you need. Looks like you will have to pass on this project, at least the powder coating part anyway.