
Anodizing Brake Calipers

The process places special demands on the coater, and on the process suppliers.


AAC Warns About Tariffs on Imported Primary Aluminum

The group says tariffs on imported primary aluminum products will likely be passed along the value chain until it impacts consumers, and they will make U.S. manufacturers of aluminum products even less competitive against low-cost producers like Chinese companies.


Solving Corrosion on Black-Dyed 7000 Series Alloy

What caused corrosion on one shop’s black-dyed parts? Anodizing expert Larry Chesterfield offers troubleshooting advice.


Powering Metal Finishing Operations

Water-cooled switchmode power supplies offer less ripple and more efficiency.


How to Apply the 720 Rule to Current Density Anodizing

What can you tell me about the 720 Rule as it applies to current density anodizing? Plating expert Sjon Westre, Ph.D., from Chemeon, answers this question.
#basics #racking


Lean Manufacturing in Anodizing Operations

Here’s how one company applied lean manufacturing principles in its anodizing plant.


Installing an Anodizing Line that Fits Your Needs

Q: Can you suggest the best process or processes that will give us the capabilities to meet as many customer requirements as possible? Anodizing expert Larry Chesterfield answers this question.


Michigan Anodizer Hopes to Build New Facility, Add 90+ Jobs

The plant would be comprised of a 68,850-square-foot building on 27 acres in the Fort Custer Industrial Park and employ 50 workers in the initial two years, then 44 workers in the third year.
#workforce development


Automated Selective Plating Takes Off With Safran Project

Sifco ASC has partnered with Safran on various surface finishing projects for more than 20 years, including recent work to increase wear resistance on an aircraft’s axles.


DS Manufacturing Changes Name to Lincoln Industries

This name change marks a continued strengthening of Lincoln Industries' position as the nation’s leading supplier of exhaust tubes in the United States, the company says.