Hubbard-Hall Adds Aquaease Business Development Manager

Hubbard-Hall recently hired Fernando Carminholi as the business development manager for its Aquaease Infinity line of sustainable cleaners.
#management #sustainability

Getting Schooled in Finishing

Matt Kirchner proves it’s never too late to go back to school. He spent the summer learning more about finishing to become a better leader in the industry.

Liquid Coating

Hubbard-Hall's New Digital Strategy Promotes User Experience

The recently-completed first phase of Hubbard-Hall’s three-year digital initiative strategy adds live chat tools and revamps the on-demand portal to provide enhanced, efficient service.

Process Technology President Wins Entrepreneur Award

Process Technology’s president Jody Richards is the winner of this year’s Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year East Central Award.

Manufacturing, Management and Racial Inequality

How can finishers take action about (not just discuss) racial inequality? Matthew Kirchner describes his ways of giving back to the community and promoting equality in manufacturing.
#management #workforce development

Dürr Debuts DXQ Business Intelligence Software

Dürr’s new DXQbusiness.intelligence software provides custom analytics to manufacturers.
#management #measurement-testing

EPSI Recognizes Management New and Old

EPSI Inc. is recognizing its recent hire, new Engineering Manager Jim Ollmann, and the 12-year work anniversary of EPSI Europe Business Manager Christian Bierwagen.

Answer the Reason for the Question

When coaters and finishers get questions from clients, Matthew Kirchner suggests addressing the concern behind the question.

MacDermid Launches Environmental Solutions Business

MacDermid Envio Solutions will focus on helping customers profitably reduce their environmental impact through proprietary water treatments and materials recycling solutions.
#pollution control #sustainability #management

Univertical Makes Several Leadership and Management Appointments

The changes include a new president, vice president and several VP and management positions. 