Mechanical Finishing

Awards and Leadership at the 2015 CCAI Annual Meeting

CCAI announced 2015 award winners and recognized board members and officers for 2016.

Mechanical Finishing

Raising the Bar on Polishing

Glastender builds bar equipment faster thanks to AM Machinery, Autopulit.

Mechanical Finishing

Spindle Finishing for Heavy Burr Removal

What type of automated finishing machine do we need?

Mechanical Finishing

Dual Disc Flat Finishing for Maximum Radiusing

What type of finishing system do we need?

Mechanical Finishing

Mechanical Finishing for Uniform Anodized Finishes

How do we fix a not uniform anodized finish?

Mechanical Finishing

3D Printing Part Finishing

How do we finish rough 3D-printed systems?


Are You Exporting a Defense Item?

Here is a very basic overview of ITAR and what to consider if your company is doing any business in the aerospace or defense industry.
#military #aerospace #pollution control

Parts Cleaning

Employment Agreements Protect Proprietary Information

One of our employees has accepted a position with a competitor, and we are worried he is going to disclose some of our processes and pricing. How can we prevent such disclosures?
#pollution control

Mechanical Finishing

Pre-electropolish Surface Refinement with Coated Abrasives

Can you give us finishing guidance and a reference of what abrasive belt and disc grits will achieve a given Ra finish?

Mechanical Finishing

Basket Blasting Small Parts for Deburring and Pre-coat Finishing

We machine large quantities of small (0.5" × 0.25" × 0.25") steel alloy parts which have small feather burrs. The surfaces are hard to work for a good pre-coat finish, resulting in coating adhesion problems.