Parts Cleaning

Cleaning Method

Question: I had a local metal fabricator cut a shape out of a 7×10 ft ×1/2 inch thick out of cold roll steel to be used as a tabletop.

Parts Cleaning

Comments on Cleaning with Trichloroethylene

Question: In your August 2001 column, I read your answer to the question on outsourcing cleaning with TCE.

Parts Cleaning

Solvent Cleaning Disc Drive Parts

Question: You received an inquiry regarding solvent cleaning of disc drive parts using "exotic" solvent and alcohol in a vacuum style vapor degreaser.

Parts Cleaning

Classification of Flashpoints

Question: I found your discussion in the April 2001 issue informative as always.

Parts Cleaning

Disc Drive Parts Cleaning

  Question: My company is working with several disc drive parts manufacturers.

Parts Cleaning

Preparation Before Ion Implantation

Question: I would like to ask what preprocessing has to be done in order to prepare the steel surface before ion implantation of mould?

Parts Cleaning

Rubber Cleaner

Question: I am looking for a rubber cleaner that can be used on EPDM and not cause any drying or glazing of the surface.

Parts Cleaning

How to Clean Galvanized Steel Before Painting

Question: I need to clean galvanized steel mir- ror bases prior to painting.

Parts Cleaning

Removing Plating Wax from Aircraft Parts

Question: I am currently using PCE vapor degreasing to remove plating wax from aircraft parts.

Parts Cleaning

Solvent Cleaning is Alive and Well

Many types of solvents can be used for cleaning/degreasing applications. Here is a smidgen of information about what is available ...