AESF Congratulates Certified Electroplater Finishers
AESF congratulates the recipients of the electroplater finisher certificates.
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The Certified Electroplater Finishers certification is conducted through the AESF Foundation, the educational arm of the National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF). Receiving the certification signifies a recipient has the knowledge, skills and aptitude to excel on an examination, and to understand and work within the challenges of the surface finishing industry.
The AESF Foundation extends its congratulations to recent recipients Kenneth Formby, Tyler Alleman, Emerson Bilodeau, Thomas Caldwell, Patricia Coutts, Jamie Fowlkes, David Garfinkel, Jay Halverson, Aaron Nelson and Nicole Nye for obtaining certification.
In addition to the CEF certification, the AESF Foundation also offers Certified Aerospace Finisher (CAF) and Master Surface Finisher (MSF) certifications. The AESF Foundation offers classroom, web-based, home study and custom courses at a discount for NASF members. AESF is the sole grantor of industry certification.
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