
CCAI Features Online Courses, Safety Seminar, Training Docs in Spanish

CCAI Online Courses, Safety Seminar, Training Docs in Spanish
#management #regulation #education


Chemical Coaters Association International (CCAI) will feature its new online courses, safety seminar and its training manuals in Spanish. The powder coating and liquid online courses will be offered this Fall through the CCAI Finishing Academy while the first safety seminar will be held at FABTECH. CCAI’s training manuals will be available for purchase in English and Spanish and include Deseño de Sistemas (System Design),Pretratamiento (Pretreatment), Recubrimiento en Polvo (Powder Coating) and Recubrimiento Líquidos y Equipos (Liquid Coatings & Equipment). Stop by to learn more about these programs as well as the Women in Finishing FORUM and CCAI Finishing Education Foundation.

CCAI | 859-356-1030 |