
Troubleshooting Help

Question: Where can I get some information on troubleshooting of plating baths?



Where can I get some information on troubleshooting of plating baths? I am new to the electroplating industry and want to learn how to do it right. J. J.


Your e-mail is very general but a good one! Troubleshooting is not something you learn overnight. It seems to me that the best problem solvers/troubleshooters have a good background on the principles of electroplating and good "hands-on" experience. There is one excellent reference that will help you with troubleshooting, Trouble in Your Tank, Third Edition, Lawrence J. Durney, Hanser Gardner Publications (, (800) 950-8977. This book discusses the principles of troubleshooting and gives many case histories.

There is also a software program available that discusses troubleshooting and contains a large amount of information about plating processes. The program, Solution, Version 4.1, is also written by Lawrence J. Durney and is available through the Kushner Electroplating School, (408) 749-8652.