
surface finishing

For many, the most valuable benefit of SUR/FIN has always been the networking opportunities.

The past couple of years have been anything but normal. Yet as we navigate the COVID pandemic and the number of vaccinated individuals increase, so too do the opportunities for in-person networking events. Few events in the finishing industry are as anticipated as the SUR/FIN surface finishing conference and trade show scheduled for November 2-4 in Detroit, Mich.

“By November it will be nearly two and a half years since the last SUR/FIN,” says Steve Smith, vice president of sales at American Plating Power and chairperson of the SUR/FIN steering committee. “Business has taken off again for most in the industry. As a result, it has been years since we have seen this much excitement in the months leading up to SUR/FIN.”

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For more than 30 years, SUR/FIN has brought surface finishing professionals and industry leaders together to explore the latest trends and technology advancements. The event features live demonstrations, panels led by industry experts, technical classes, exhibits and more. Yet for many, the most valuable benefit of SUR/FIN has always been the networking opportunities — and this year that sentiment is at the forefront.

“There is an increasing desire to reconnect with people in a personal way,” says Smith. “All of us have been living in a virtual world for months now. And most, like myself, are eager to enter the real world again! There is no better way to see all your key contacts in the metal finishing industry than at SUR/FIN.”


Futurist Michael Rogers will deliver a keynote address on November 3 at SUR/FIN.

Keynote speakers for the event include best-selling author, technology pioneer and futurist Michael Rogers, and Center for Automotive Research (CAR) director, technology, Brett Smith. SUR/FIN 2021 boasts a robust conference program and the event also marks an exciting time to return to Detroit — a city that has long been synonymous with the automotive industry and has a long history in manufacturing. SUR/FIN was last held in Detroit 20 years ago, and the city has since embarked on a huge redevelopment program. In fact, Detroit is undergoing a construction boom that it hasn’t seen since the first half of the 20th century — a fitting location for the return of an industry after a hiatus.

automotive industry

Brett Smith, Center for Automotive Research (CAR) director, technology, will discuss “Battery Electric Vehicles…The Tidal Wave of Change” on November 2 at SUR/FIN.

As the world continues to adjust to changing conditions surrounding the COVID pandemic, the NASF assures SUR/FIN attendees that its steering committee remains vigilant regarding all health and safety precautions. The association continues to monitor national and local health recommendations and will comply with CDC meeting guidelines.

For more information about SUR/FIN 2021 in November or to reserve exhibit space please visit


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