Exair No-Drip Air Atomizing Nozzles Conserve Liquids
Internal mix nozzles stop liquid flow when compressed air is shut off.
Exair 1/8 NPT no-drip internal mix air atomizing spray nozzle
Exair’s 1/8 NPT no-drip internal mix air atomizing spray nozzles are designed to mix liquid and air inside the nozzle to produce fine atomized liquids and stop liquid flow when compressed air is shut off to eliminate post-spray drips and conserve liquids. According to the company, when the compressed air supply is shut off, the no-drip nozzle positively seals off the flow of liquid, eliminating the possibility of drips. The nozzles are available in three different liquid patterns — narrow angle round, wide angle round and flat fan patterns. They are also available with 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 NPT inlets with a variety of liquid flow values. They are for pressure-fed applications where precise liquid flow is needed. Internal mix nozzles can be used on liquids with a viscosity up to 300 cP.
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