Industrial Finishing Products

Handheld Device Receives Software Update for Noncontact Coating Thickness Measurement

Swiss-based coating provider AG is releasing a software update for its advanced thermal optics handheld device, the Coatmaster Flex.

Katie Leesemann, Former Editorial Assistant, Gardner Business Media


The Coatmaster Flex is a handheld device receiving a software update to expedite its operations and user-friendliness. Photo Credit: Coatmaster AG

Swiss-based Coatmaster AG is releasing a software update for its advanced thermal optics-based handheld device, Coatmaster Flex, for noncontact coating thickness measurement.

The software update enables a measuring process that is three times faster than its predecessor, the company says. With this speed, measurements can be performed on moving powder-coated parts every few seconds, which can reduce the time employees spend on measurements.

In addition to the speed increase, the repeatability of measurements has been improved. Statistically, the deviation in measurements at the same spot is now less than 1%. Applications used frequently can be assigned as favorites, which simplifies the use of the measuring gauge. The order of the applications can also be individually adjusted via the browser interface. This aims to provide clarity when there are many applications. A quick calibration makes it simple to create new applications with no more than three clicks, the company says. A multitude of improvements have been incorporated into the software, which make daily work with the Coatmaster Flex more straightforward and user-friendly.

Coatmaster AG |

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