
XRF Suited for Material Analysis, Coating Thickness Measurement

Appears in Print as: 'Fischer XRF Suited for Material Analysis, Coating Thickness Measurement'

Fischer Technology will demonstrate its XAN500 X-ray fluorescence instrument for coating thickness measurement and alloy analysis at Sur/Fin 2018, well-suited for quality, incoming inspection and process control of electroplated, multilayer and alloy coatings.
#measurement-testing #surfin


Fischer Technology will demonstrate its XAN500 X-ray fluorescence instrument for coating thickness measurement and alloy analysis, well-suited for quality, incoming inspection and process control of electroplated, multilayer and alloy coatings. Its modern silicon drift detector achieves high accuracy and good detection sensitivity, the company says.

Due to its small size, the lightweight instrument can measure difficult geometries such as large, irregularly shaped parts, or in offline locations. It can be used as a handheld device or a fully enclosed desktop unit, or integrated directly into a production line.