Mechanical Finishing

How to Eliminate White Chalky Substance from Vibratory Finished Parts

Q. We are getting a white chalky substance left on our aluminum parts after vibratory finishing and it affects the coating adhesion. How do we eliminate this problem?

Mechanical Finishing

Calculating Applied Media Force During Vibratory Finishing

Establishing optimum operational characteristics for finishing a specific part.

Mechanical Finishing

MP100 Tube Mirror Polishing Machine Assures Perfectly Polished Surface

New polisher from NS Máquinas protects against corrosion and scratches.


Supplier Happiness Equals Sales Success

Working Relations Index measures partnerships between suppliers and OEMs.

Mechanical Finishing

How to Produce a Visual Blasted Finish

Q. Can you recommend a process that can give a visual blasted finish?

Mechanical Finishing

Automated Abrasive Finishing for High-Volume Production

Q. We have a high-volume small stainless ½" × 1" part with a heavy external burr. How can we deburr and automate this part?

Mechanical Finishing

Mechanical Finishing Clinic: Blasting Media That Reduce or Eliminate Ferrous Surface Contamination

Q. We are blasting our stainless parts in a blast cabinet with a finer steel shot. We are concerned about ferrous contamination but need the impact the steel media produces for our parts. What media do you recommend?

Mechanical Finishing

Latest Developments in Mass Finishing

New materials, manufacturing processes, automation and the need for better surface finishes have driven new developments in mass finishing. This article discusses finishing solutions for very large and heavy parts, explains drag finishing technology, introduces surf finishing technology and showcases two new media developments.
#research #surfin

Parts Cleaning

80 Years Helping Finishers

Our readers share how Products Finishing has helped their careers as the magazine celebrates its 80th year covering the finishing industry.
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Parts Cleaning

Powder Coating Clinic: Discoloration of Metal-Flake in Powder

Q. We have a metal-flake silver powder color that we use regularly. If the surface is abraded with a Taber wheel—or even a pencil eraser—it darkens significantly in the abraded area. We even have this problem when our parts scrape against cardboard packaging. Our supplier suggested we switch from an unbonded leafing aluminum to a more expensive bonded product. We tried the bonded leafing aluminum, but we still have the same problem. Certain types of friction create this effect, seemingly those that perhaps have a higher coefficient of friction. Do they remove the aluminum flake from the surface? Can you explain this problem and tell us why it happens with some abrasives and not with others? What can we do to stop this? 
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