ChemQuest Names Director

ChemQuest has named Carla McBain as a director.

Powder Coating

Carlisle Fluid Technologies Welcomes Account Manager

Chris Burge is joining the Carlisle Fluid Technologies team as an account manager.

What Every Great Leadership Team Has

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

EPSI Acquires Custom Rack

EPSI is continuing to grow with the acquisition of Custom Rack, based in Euless, Texas.
#management #economics

Hubbard-Hall Welcomes Manager to Supply Chain Team

Noel Rutherford joins Hubbard-Hall as supply chain manager.
#management #workforce development


Alan Thomas has been named by AMPP as its CEO.


Understanding and Managing White Spots on Anodized Aluminum

Having trouble with spotting defects when anodizing? Taj Patel of Techevon LLC offers a helpful overview of the various causes of white spots and potential solutions.
#basics #management #ask the expert

Sparktek Acquires Marca Coating Technologies

Two of North America's vacuum metallizing companies are coming together to provide domestic, high-volume vacuum metallizing services to multiple industries.
#management #economics

Powder Coating

AkzoNobel Uses VR for Training Airline Apprentices

The virtual reality technology provides a paint booth and spray gun that enables trainees to work and master their skills without losing parts in the process.
#workforce development #aerospace #Industry 4.0

My/Mine, Our/Ours – A Reflection on Pronouns

Avoid pronouns that imply subconscious ownership, possession or superiority over others.